About the 5/1 Update and Purchasing Area Slots

May 2, 2024
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Here you can read all about the content that was added/changed to neem in the May 1st update.

Addition of a Subscription Feature for Purchasing Area Slots

With the new subscription feature, it is now possible to create additional areas in addition to the 2 free areas provided to all neem users.
Paid area slots are available for use through a monthly subscription, and not only will they allow subscribers to create 3 or more additional areas, but subscriptions also unlock additional content not available for free in neem for players to make use of!

  • Create larger areas!
     You’ll be able to create an L sized area which is much larger than the M sized area.
  • More people can visit your areas!
     Even if making use of an M sized area, you’ll now be able to have 30 people visit your area at once which 5 times more than without a subscription.
  • No more area restrictions when the monthly 60GB of data transfer is exceeded!

Creating large-scale areas such as theme parks and stadiums or holding live performances and webinars for large audiences has never been easier than with a neem subscription.
Create a subscription today and see how you start creating the 3D world of your imagination!

*More information on how to purchase area slots will be made available via an up-and-coming tutorial.

Addition of New Publishing Options for Areas

In addition to the conventional Public and Private publishing options, 2 additional options have been made available.

  • Password Protected
    A password will be required when entering an area.
  • Owner Only
    Only the owner of the area may enter it.
    Users other than the owner will not be able to enter the area regardless of whether they know the URL for the area or not.

By implementing more ways in which areas can be restricted, the ways in which users can make use of areas has increased.
You can make use of these publishing options in a variety of ways such as limiting the number of users who can enter an area to create a place for you and your friends to hang out or a meeting space for colleagues. You can even prohibit entry into areas that are currently being worked on such as areas being made into mazes or platformers.

*More information on how to purchase area slots will be made available via an up-and-coming tutorial.

The Process for Creating Areas Has Been Changed

With the addition of area slots, the process for creating areas has been changed.

*More information on how to purchase area slots will be made available via an up-and-coming tutorial.

We hope with this latest neem update, you’ll enjoy making your ideas come to fruition with all the new additions added to neem!

Also, we would love to see what everyone is creating and doing in neem, so be sure to share what you have done on social media using the hashtags #neem and #neemBrowser

Thank you for your continued support of neem.

neem Management