Easily Start Creating
the Metaverse Today!

neem logo
*Video contains pre-beta footage

Easily Start Creating the Metaverse Today!

neem logo
*Video contains pre-beta footage

From children to adults,
anyone can create virtual spaces with neem

neem changes up the metaverse by
letting you the players not only play in it, but create it

Anyone can easily create their own 3D world with incredible freedom and share it with a URL!

You’ll also be able to create games without the need to code!

Invite your friends, community, or anyone to your own original world in the metaverse and enjoy chatting, playing games and more!

Powered by 8 patents and over 100 proprietary technologies, neem makes creating worlds in the metaverse easy.
Experience seamless 3D world transitions and intuitive tools that empower anyone to build their own virtual world.

Connect With Anyone.
Enjoy With Everyone.

Create your 3D world for your needs


Communicate and connect with others using emotes, voice chat, and video chat!

Virtual communication
Excited crowd at a virtual live venue

Virtual Live Performances

Attend live performances that give you a sense of realism!


(User-Generated Content)

Display and sell your own illustrations, 3D models and more at a shop

Exhibition and sale of user-generated content
Children are playing on a 3D virtual island with dinosaurs while making online games

Multiplayer Games

Like with Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox, you’ll be able to create games, all without the need to code!

Connect With Anyone.
Enjoy With Everyone.

neem empowers everyone to create personalized virtual spaces


Communicate and connect with others using emotes, voice chat, and video chat!

Virtual communication
Excited crowd at a virtual live venue

Virtual Live Performances

Attend live performances that give you a sense of realism!


(User-Generated Content)

Display and sell your own illustrations, 3D models and more at a shop

Exhibition and sale of user-generated content
Children are playing on a 3D virtual island with dinosaurs while making online games

Multiplayer Games

Like with Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox, you’ll be able to create games, all without the need to code!

Connect With Anyone.
Enjoy With Everyone.

neem empowers everyone to create personalized virtual spaces

Virtual communication


Communicate and connect with others using emotes, voice chat, and video chat!

Excited crowd at a virtual live venue

Virtual Live Performances

Attend live performances that give you a sense of realism!

Exhibition and sale of user-generated content

UGC (User-Generated Content)

Display and sell your own illustrations, 3D models and more at a shop

Children are playing on a 3D virtual island with dinosaurs while making online games

Multiplayer Games

Like with Minecraft, Fortnite and Roblox, you’ll be able to create games, all without the need to code!

Visit worlds and connect with others on the go with neem!

* First-time users must start by registering an account
* neem is compatible with Windows (see System Requirements)
*In order to play neem, you’ll need to follow that rules. Please read through our Prohibited Acts page
*Please be aware that the data transfer amount that is allotted to each neem user per month is limited to 60GB. If the amount of data transferred exceeds 60GB, use of neem will be restricted until the first day of the following month.
Data transfer of 60GB or more is possible with pay-as-you-go billing.

Anyone can can create an account, so get started playing and creating today!

How to Play!

Creating a 3D virtual space freely from terrain in neem
neem LP English translations | Alt Text			https://neem.ink/			 ID	スクショ	ファイル名	概要	Altテキスト	Altテキスト(英語)	コメント等 1		mv-backup	スマホ版の制止MV	メタバース開発サービス「neem」で制作した3Dワールド	3D virtual world created using the metaverse development service "neem"	 2		pf1-slideshow-01	4人でストリーミングチャット	3D空間でのストリーミングチャット	Video chat within a 3D virtual space	 3		pf1-slideshow-02	森の中	neemで作成した仮想空間内の森と、マップを自動で装飾してくれるキャラクターたち	A forest in a virtual world created in neem using the automated characters (neem) that help create a map	 4		pf1-slideshow-03	川と山作成画面	neemでメタバースをエディットする画面	Map editing screen in neem	 5		pf1-slideshow-04	グラファイトの街素材	3D空間の街並み	Cityscape themed 3D virtual space 	 6		pf1-slideshow-05	着せ替え画面	3Dアバター着せ替え画面	3D avatar editor screen	 7		pf1-slideshow-06	街	neemで作成した、ファンタジー風の街エリア	A fantasy themed town area created in neem	 8		gameplay-01	シェーダー付きの浜と山作成画面	neemで地形から自由に3D空間を制作していく様子	Creating a 3D virtual space freely from terrain in neem	 9		gameplay-02	アルノ君アップ	neemで作成した森と、ワールドを自動で装飾してくれる妖精たち	Forest created with the help of the characters called neem that automatically place objects around your map	「妖精/Fairies」ニームキャラクターの正式な用語を決める必要がある 10		gameplay-03	着せ替え画面	アバターを自由にコーディネートできる着せ替え画面	Edit screen that allows players to freely coordinate what their avatar wears	 11		gameplay-04	グラファイト素材の街	ブラウザ等のURLから直接neem内の各ワールドに移動可能	Visiting different virtual worlds in a web browsers simply by entering a URL	 12		gameplay-05	4人でストリーミングチャット	メタバース内のライブストリーミング機能でビデオ通話	Video call with live streaming function in neem metaverse	 13		how-play-background	neemがたくさん居る森	(なし)	(なし)	 14		pc-icon	PCアイコン	(なし)	(なし)	 15		neem-news	公式Twitter画像	(なし)	(なし)	 16		neem-character-01	地図を書くアルノ君	(なし)	(なし)	 17		neem-characters	芽に水をあげるアルノ君+砂の山を作るアルノ君	(なし)	(なし)	 18		"background-01 background-02 background-03 roadmap-bg"	Voxel風建物がたくさん並んだ背景	(なし)	(なし)	 19		how-to-play-background-sp	SP用の森のrepeat背景	(なし)	(なし)	 20		roadmap	ロードマップ	neemは今後、活動規模の拡大、ゲーム開発機能追加、UGCの収益化等、様々なアップデートを行っていく	In future releases of neem, there will be various updates that will expanding the scale of activities that can be done, add game development functionality, add monetization of user-generated content and more	 21		side_banner	サイドバナー	今すぐメタバースを作る!	Start creating your own virtual world within the metaverse today!	 22		neem-logo	neemロゴ	neem ロゴ	neem logo	 23		soft-gear-logo	ソフトギアロゴ	ソフトギア ロゴ	Soft Gear logo	 24		what-you-can-do-02	バーチャル会議	バーチャルでのコミュニケーション	Virtual communication	 25		what-you-can-do-01	ライブ	バーチャルライブ会場で盛り上がる群衆	Excited crowd at a virtual live venue	 26		what-you-can-do-03	UGCアート展示場	自作UGCの展示や販売	Exhibition and sale of user-generated content	 27		what-you-can-do-04	恐竜と子供達	子供達がオンラインゲームを作りながら3Dの島や恐竜で遊んでいる	Children are playing on a 3D virtual island with dinosaurs while making online games	 28		what-you-can-do-background-01	母と娘	(なし)	(なし)	 29		what-you-can-do-background-02	お爺さんと孫	(なし)	(なし)	 30		what-you-can-do-background-sp	SP用の女性3人画	(なし)	(なし)	 31		inquiry_img_mv_w414	宇宙に浮かぶ地球	(なし)	(なし)	 32		neem-uses-01	リゾート海岸と山	3D空間を使ったホームページ	Home page created as a 3D virtual space	 33		neem-uses-02	バーチャル会議	社員コミュニティやリモート会議	Employee community and remote meetings	 34		neem-uses-03	たくさんの浮いたスマホ等の上に立っている人達	ユーザーや企業によるUGCなどの事業展開	Business development such as user-generated content by both users and companies	 35		neem-uses-04	店内	商品を3Dモデルで閲覧できるECサイト	EC site where you can browse products as 3D models	 36		neem-uses-05	教室	3Dを併用したオンライン授業やウェビナー	Online classes and webinars conducted in 3D world	 37		neem-uses-06	ライブ	大規模同時接続でのライブイベント	Live events performed in front of a large audience	 38		neem-survey-banner	アンケート	アンケートに答えてくださった方から抽選で100名様にSTRIXぬいぐるみプレゼント	Fill out our survey and be 1 of 100 participants chosen by raffle to receive a STRIX plush	 39			法人向けロードマップ	neemは今後、活動規模の拡大、ゲーム開発機能追加、UGCの収益化等、様々なアップデートを行っていく	In future releases of neem, there will be various updates that will expanding the scale of activities that can be done, add game development functionality, add monetization of user-generated content and more


1. Create an Area

Easily create complex terrain!

Forest created with the help of the characters called neem that automatically place objects around your map
Forest created with the help of the characters called neem that automatically place objects around your map


2. Area Generation

Call on creatures to help you create your areas


Edit screen that allows players to freely coordinate what their avatar wears
Edit screen that allows players to freely coordinate what their avatar wears

3. Dress Up Your Avatar

Edit your avatar to your liking

Visiting different virtual worlds in a web browsers simply by entering a URL
Visiting different virtual worlds in a web browsers simply by entering a URL


4. Play with Friends

Have your friends join you in your world via a URL

Video call with live streaming function in neem metaverse
Video call with live streaming function in neem metaverse


5. Use Your Camera and Mic

Stream yourself live from within a virtual space

A game created using the no-code game creation tools
A game created using the no-code game creation tools


6. Create Games

No coding skills? No problem! Easily create games

*Images were taken pre-beta; service is subject to change.

How to Play!

Creating a 3D virtual space freely from terrain in neem
Creating a 3D virtual space freely from terrain in neem


1. Create an Area

Easily create complex terrain!

Forest created with the help of the characters called neem that automatically place objects around your map
Forest created with the help of the characters called neem that automatically place objects around your map


2. Area Generation

Call on creatures to help you create your areas


Edit screen that allows players to freely coordinate what their avatar wears
Edit screen that allows players to freely coordinate what their avatar wears

3. Dress Up Your Avatar

Edit your avatar to your liking

Visiting different virtual worlds in a web browsers simply by entering a URL
Visiting different virtual worlds in a web browsers simply by entering a URL


4. Play with Friends

Have your friends join you in your world via a URL

Video call with live streaming function in neem metaverse
Video call with live streaming function in neem metaverse


5. Use Your Camera and Mic

Stream yourself live from within a virtual space

A game created using the no-code game creation tools
A game created using the no-code game creation tools


6. Create Games

No coding skills? No problem! Easily create games

*Images were taken pre-beta; service is subject to change.

Planned Features

Upload Custom Avatars and Objects

Content Monitization

NPC Creation and Setup

Duplicate Areas

Multiplatform Support


Random Map Tour Feature

Item Trading and Sales

Live Event Feature

Collaborative Content Creation

No-Code Game Creation Tools

Visual Effects

There are many other features in the works!

We hope you look forward to the updates!

neem is a new service that
turns websites into 3D virtual worlds